Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are animals fed?
Beef cattle are fed mainly a grass/alfalfa diet and supplemented with corn the last 90-120 days to enhance marbling.
Broiler chickens are raised on pasture once 4 weeks old and moved daily in a ‘chicken tractor’. They are free to eat grass and bugs but are supplemented with a complete feed (containing corn/soy) from a local elevator.
Laying hens are allowed to free-range (as long as it’s not negative temps outside), given table/garden scraps, and fed a complete feed.
Lambs are fed grass, alfalfa, and a creep feed mix of oats, corn, and protein pellet.
No, we are not certified organic, though we try not to use any insecticides/pesticides/herbicides, unless absolutely necessary. Instead, we aim to use sustainable practices, including rotational grazing of the cattle and broiler chickens, and spreading wool, manure, and animal bedding material as fertilizer for the garden.
We do NOT use any growth hormones in our animals. Antibiotics are only used in sick animals, and we have to follow the withdrawal periods. It is against the law to slaughter an animal with antibiotic residue. We work closely with a vet for guidance and care of livestock.
4. Do you ship?
At this time, we do not ship due to the expense. However, if you would like to pay the shipping cost and are located in the Midwest, we can try to make that work. Please get ahold of us for shipping inquiries via email.
5. Can I get a specialty cut of meat?
Absolutely! We will try to line up a time when we go to the inspected locker and request your specialty items be cut your way (i.e., leg of lamb, full rack of lamb). Please contact us for this option.